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PKN Orlen the Most Valuable Polish Brand

15-12-2011  News

Another ranking of the most valuable Polish brands was announced by the "Rzeczpospolita" daily. Fifth year in a row, the list is opened by PKN Orlen. The value of its logo increased as compared with last year by 1% up to PLN 3.8 billion.
The leader feels on its back breath of the most valuable domestic banking brand, PKO BP. The bank’s brand value increased by 3% up to PLN 3.7 billion. Next in the ranking are the following companies, in sequence: PZU – PLN 2.4 billion (decrease by 17%), TP SA – PLN 1.8 billion (value at the same level as last year) and Biedronka – PLN 1.7 billion (increase by 27%). 
Nine Polish brands are already valued at more than billion zlotys. However, it is difficult to compare their value with the leading global brands. They beat not only the Polish leaders but also all the participants to the ranking hands down, in total their brands are worth PLN 57 billion. Coca-cola, the leader of this year’s Interbrand ranking, is valued at over four times more, i.e. 71.9 billion dollars which is almost PLN 251 billion. The winner of the BrandZ ranking by Millward Brown, the Apple brand, is even stronger; it is valued at 153.3 billion dollars. 
Source: PAP
On this subject also in: 
wyborcza.pl , "Rzeczpospolita": ORLEN the most valuable Polish brand 
Polska Dziennik Zachodni, page 5, Silesian brands? There is little of them as the advertising is in dire straits 
Gazeta Polska Codziennie, page 8, Branded Orlen
Rzeczpospolita - Ranking of the Most Valuable Polish Brands, p. 25, Jeweller’s at the head 
Rzeczpospolita - Ranking of the Most Valuable Polish Brands, page 13, Brand decline reached Poland
Fakt, page no.: 4, Orlen the Most Valuable Polish Brand 


ORLEN Group brands