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Switch to E-Invoice!

Covid-19 is a major threat to all of us. We are currently observing a significant rise in new cases. This is a signal to increase the commitment to reduce the spread of the epidemic. We therefore encourage you to give up paper invoices and to switch to E-invoice.

The implementation of an electronic invoice will reduce the risk of infection for people who have direct contact with documents and you will also get:

  • security guarantees and timeliness of delivery - the risk of failure to deliver an invoice disappears,
  • cost and time savings - no need to send postal items,
  • convenient and safe archiving - the electronic invoice does not occupy as much space as the paper one,
  • quick access to invoices – full access to a document from any place.
  • Eco-friendly attitude – it will reduce the amount of paper used, which will positively impact the environment.


In order to launch the E-invoice service, please familiarize with formularzem porozumienia (.pdf), and in particular with the terms and conditions accompanying it, fill in and sign the document and send it to the following address: efaktura.upst@orlen.pl

You will be informed by our team about further steps to be taken.​


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