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Operations in Poland



In Poland ORLEN Upstream prospects for, explores, and produces from deposits of oil and natural gas. ORLEN Upstream acquired its first exploration assets in 2007. As part of its prospecting activity, ORLEN Upstream’s team has acquired several thousand kilometres of new 2D seismic data and over a dozen 3D images, and analysed historical geological data from an area of over ten thousand square kilometres. Drilling to prospect for oil and gas deposits started in 2011. Currently, ORLEN Upstream is a leader in the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in Poland, operating on 26 licences totalling nearly 17,000 square kilometres. Increasing production levels and growing 2P reserves are in line with ORLEN Group’s strategy, which aims at consistent development of the upstream segment while focusing on the most promising projects.



The Bieszczady project is a joint venture with PGNiG SA, which covers 7 licences in the Podkarpacie region of Poland. The work carried out in this area targets the Carpathian flysch formations, from the lower Cretaceous to the Miocene. In the past, a number of hydrocarbon deposits were documented in the area of the Bieszczady Project. As part of the operations so far, seismic data have been acquired, exploration wells drilled, and flow tests carried out.


The Karbon project covers 4 licences in the regions of Mazowsze and Lubelszczyzna. In the Lublin Basin, the geological work focuses on the hydrocarbons accumulated in the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks. Additionally, in the past, the Wilga, Minkowice, Mełgiew B, and Mełgiew A deposits were documented in the licence areas, which confirms the promising nature of the region. We have drilled a total of 14 wells in the area. Currently, seismic data obtained during a test carried out in 2016 are being analysed. 


The Karpaty project consists of 3 licence areas located in the Outer Carpathians, on the border between Małopolska and Podkarpacie. The geology of the area has been thoroughly explored, and the region has a long petroleum history. The prospecting work will be carried out in the Cretaceous, Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene formations. A seismic image has been taken and the first exploration wells, the Lipinki-OU1, Pasieki-OU1 and Skołyszyn-OU1, has been drilled in the area of the Karpaty project.


The Miocen project covers the Siennów-Rokietnica (8/2015/p) licence, located in the south-eastern part of the Carpathian foredeep basin. The region is promising in terms of the occurrence of natural gas in structural traps found in the Badenian and Sarmatian structures. The occurrence of lithofacial traps is also possible. Its mechanism based on occurrence of porosity rock layers in which hydrocarbons are accumulated and surrender by isolating rock layers. In contrast with structural traps occurrence of the lithofacial traps is not determined by tectonic. Historically the region has been thoroughly explored. In 2016, new seismic surveys were carried out in the area covered by the project.


The Sieraków project is executed jointly with PGNiG S.A., and it encompasses two licence areas in Wielkopolska, neighbouring the largest deposits of oil and natural gas discovered in recent years. The objective of the project is to study and thoroughly explore the Upper Dolomite structures. At the moment, preparations are underway to develop the oil and natural gas deposit that has been documented in the area.​


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